A Unique Point Of View For Reading And Writing

From this perspective things could either look pretty interesting or super intimidating..

For a writer this is a pretty gloomy sight to see.  Thousands and thousands of books all lined up, and maybe yours is somewhere in there – maybe.  From a reader’s point of veiw though, who wouldn’t want to see so many options?  A few minutes could go by before you start wondering where that special book might be.  Where is it?  You know it’s there – you can feel it.  That one book that stands out from all the rest.

Here’s a hard fact that many new writers are just discovering, and that is just how hard it is to get noticed.  It’s just a cold hard fact.  It could be something that lasts for years, but the truth of the matter is, it is very hard to sell a book nowadays.  If you don’t have a small fortune set aside for publicity, then you might be in for a long hard wait.  What can you do then?

This is where the idea of Multi-Option (GameBooks) comes into play.  It’s something that stands out and is apparently different, although it is nothing new.  Multi-Option books have been around for a while.  If it makes your reading or writing experience stand out, why would that be such a bad thing?

Now one might wonder if there is a place where Science Fiction writers come together and help each other out.  The answer is yes.  This site is a place where writers and readers can come together and see new stories and ideas.  Get some reviews for your work and some stars if it stands out and is original.

See if you’re eligible for free advertising on this site.  No strings attached..  just present your story idea and get a place here for millions of people to see your hard earned work.

What does a GameBook (Multi-Option Story) look like?  Here is one of the most extensive ones out there.  

It’s all about parallel worlds.  Imagine countless worlds right next to our own, all with their different planetary achievements and consequences.  Some are full of life while others are simply dead – places for ghosts of former civilizations.  Since this story is in fact Multi-Option, you as the reader have control, and can navigate these places and decide on what you really want to do, where you want to go, or even how to get there.

This reading adventure goes pretty far, which is why it is one of our favorite mentions.  With 71 decisions, it is one of the most extensive Multi-Option books out there.

About Realms Of Forgotten Worlds:

Some may be in a hurry to get to the end – wherever that may be.  There’s no defined end.  Some may want to encounter all the hidden places possible or confront all the dangers, but there may be some that encounter romance and want to stay in one place.  All of that is possible in this adventure.

At some point you will have to act though because things are always changing.  You will be forced to choose between doing things right or just being evil, which will lead your character down a path of many independant outcomes.

It’s Your Decision.  You Decide.